Local Business?

We are looking for local internship opportunities in Tri Cities Washington. Local businesses can benefit from interns and help high school students working towards a brighter future. Contact us today if you would like to sponsor an internship.

About Us

August 14th, 2020

About The Wit Initiative

The Wit Initiative is a non-profit organization that aims to provide high school students with a wide variety of internships matching students interests, skills, and talents. Our program stems from similar programs such as Delta High School which offers internships to its students. We want to provide a similar opportunity to students from all high schools. Learn more about how our program works here.

How This Helps

As students are provided opportunities to be a part of the work force they will be able to learn about themselves, about the world, and about their skills in ways that normal high school cannot replicate. Students will be able to try careers that they are currently interested in allowing them to decide if they truly want to pursue a career later in their life. They will develop their talents as they provide meaningful work to businesses, instead of less meaningful school assignments, and will learn valuable social skills.

How You Can Help

If you are interested in becoming a partner, or know of businesses interested in having high school interns contact us today. We are always looking for new businesses to offer internships to our local students. Learn more here.

We also value input from students, parents, and other interested individuals who have thoughts, questions, or ideas for us.